Files and Paths

Table of Content

Using Terminal

To see all files in the current folder:

$ ls

To see all files, including hidden ones, in the current folder:

$ ls -a

To navigate to a folder, in the current folder:

$ cd folder-name

To navigate to a folder, under a different path:

$ cd ~/Desktop

Notice the ~ before the /Desktop. If you add ~ before any path, you’re always referencing your home folder.

To see all files in your home folder:

$ $ ls ~

You’ll probably see something like this:

Desktop/  Documents/  Downloads/  Music/  Pictures/  Public/  Templates/  Videos/

To see all files in your Desktop folder:

$ ls ~/Desktop

Finally, to navigate to your Desktop folder, you can always, from anywhere, do:

$ cd ~/Desktop



$ ls -a ~


Bash is a command processor that typically runs in your terminal, where you type commands, which cause actions.

  • .bashrc
  • .bash_profile
  • .bash_history a history of all your bash terminal commands

Application Specific

  • .gitconfig contains your git preferences, if you have git installed.
  • ``
$ ls ~/.config



$ ls -a ~/.config/lxqt
  • debug.log
  • lxqt.conf
  • lxqt-powermanagement.conf
  • lxqt-runner.conf
  • notifications.conf
  • panel.conf
  • power.conf
  • session.conf
$ ls -a ~/.config/openbox
  • lxqt-rc.xml

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