
Verdaccio is a lightweight private npm proxy registry built in Node.js


Verdaccio is a proxy / registry for npm packages, on which you can publish private packages at the cost of the server it runs on. Here’s how’to setup Verdaccio on PantherX Server in 10 minutes.

Server setup

We’re starting out with a blank PantherX Server installation:

Loggin as root and get a SSL certificate:

guix package -i certbot
certbot certonly --standalone -d

Next, back on your computer, prepare the server configuration. You can use the following as a template:

  • Add your SSH public key here: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3DCaC1lZDI1NDS5AASAAIP7........
  • Adjust the target disk (target "/dev/sda"))) and (device "/dev/sda1")
    • On DigitalOcean VM’s thats usuall (target "/dev/vda"))) and (device "/dev/vda1")
    • You can refer to /etc/config.scm on the target machine to double-check
  • Replace all with your domain
  • Adjust the target machine IP address: (host-name "")
;; PantherX OS Server deployment template
;; for Digital Ocean
;; Services: PostgreSQL, Redis, Nginx
;; Firewall: 22, 80, 443

;; Init via script in repo: px-install/

(use-modules (gnu)
	     (gnu system)
	     (srfi srfi-1)
	     (px system)
	     (gnu packages tls)
	     (gnu packages base)
	     (gnu packages node)
	     (gnu packages python)
	     (gnu packages databases)
	     (gnu packages networking)
	     (gnu packages commencement)
	     (gnu packages version-control)
	     (px system config))

(use-service-modules databases networking web certbot)

(define %ssh-public-key
  "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP7........")

(define (cert-path host file)
  (format #f "/etc/letsencrypt/live/~a/~a.pem" host (symbol->string file)))

(define %nginx-deploy-hook
   #~(let ((pid (call-with-input-file "/var/run/nginx/pid" read)))
       (kill pid SIGHUP))))

(define %custom-server-services
  (modify-services %px-server-services
		   (guix-service-type config =>
                                       (inherit config)
					(append (list (local-file "/etc/guix/"))

(define %system
    (host-name "npm")
    (timezone "Europe/Berlin")
    (locale "en_US.utf8")
    (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
		 (bootloader grub-bootloader)
		 (target "/dev/sda")))
    (initrd-modules (append (list "virtio_scsi")
    (file-systems (append
		   (list (file-system
			  (mount-point "/")
			  (device "/dev/sda1")
			  (type "ext4")))

    (swap-devices '("/swapfile"))

    ;; Users
    (users (cons (user-account
		  (name "panther")
		  (comment "panther's account")
		  (group "users")
		  (supplementary-groups '("wheel"))
		  (home-directory "/home/panther"))
    ;; Packages
    (packages (cons* node-lts git
    ;; Services
    (services (cons*
	       ;; SSL Certificates
	       (service certbot-service-type
			 (email "")
			    (domains '(""))
			    (deploy-hook %nginx-deploy-hook))))))
	       ;; Web server
	       (service nginx-service-type
			    (server-name '(""))
			    (listen '("80"))
			    (root "/var/www")
			    (raw-content '("return 301 https://$host$request_uri;")))
			    (server-name '(""))
			    (listen '("443 ssl"))
			    (ssl-certificate (cert-path "" 'fullchain))
			    (ssl-certificate-key (cert-path "" 'privkey))
			       (uri "/")
				 "proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;"
				 "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;"
				 "proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;"
				 "proxy_redirect off;"
				 "proxy_pass http://localhost:4873;"
				 "proxy_http_version 1.1;"
				 "proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;"
				 "proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';"
				 "proxy_set_header Host $host;"
				 "proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;"
				 "proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;")))
   #:open-ports '(("tcp" "ssh" "80" "443"))
   #:authorized-keys `(("root" ,(plain-file "" %ssh-public-key))
		       ("panther" ,(plain-file "" %ssh-public-key)))

(list (machine
       (operating-system %system)
       (environment managed-host-environment-type)
       (configuration (machine-ssh-configuration
		       (host-name "")
		       (system "x86_64-linux")
		       (user "root")
		       (identity "id_rsa")
		       (port 22)
		       (allow-downgrades? #t)))))

To deploy this configuration, save and deploy:

guix deploy

Verdaccio setup

Loggin as panther on the target computer (or whatever you set as 2nd user) and install Verdaccio:

mkdir verdaccio
cd verdaccio/
npm install verdaccio
npm install forever

Try running it with:

$ node_modules/.bin/verdaccio 
 info --- Creating default config file in /home/panther/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
 warn --- config file  - /home/panther/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml
 warn --- "crypt" algorithm is deprecated consider switch to "bcrypt". Read more:                                                                                                            
 info --- plugin successfully loaded: verdaccio-htpasswd
 info --- plugin successfully loaded: verdaccio-audit
 warn --- http address - http://localhost:4873/ - verdaccio/5.15.4

If you have already setup the webserver, you can now open and should see verdaccio.

If you get some errors, try restarting nginx:

  • Loggin as root
  • Run herd restart nginx

Once you confirm that the default works, it’s time to continue. You may stop Verdaccio for now.


By default you will find the following in the config file (/home/panther/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml). Make sure to uncomment max_users and algorithm:

    file: ./htpasswd
    # Maximum amount of users allowed to register, defaults to "+inf".
    # You can set this to -1 to disable registration.
    max_users: -1 # In case you decide to prevent users from signing up themselves, you can set max_users: -1.
    # Hash algorithm, possible options are: "bcrypt", "md5", "sha1", "crypt".
    algorithm: bcrypt # by default is crypt, but is recommended use bcrypt for new installations
    # Rounds number for "bcrypt", will be ignored for other algorithms.
    # rounds: 10

For users to authenticate, you would add them to a new /home/panther/.config/verdaccio/htpasswd file that looks like this:


Here’s how you can generate bcrypt password strings:

$ guix package -i python-bcrypt
$ python3 -c 'import bcrypt; print(bcrypt.hashpw(b"password", bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=10)))'

Make sure to replace password with your desired secret.


Our goal is to run a private repository, so we modify the packages section of the config (/home/panther/.config/verdaccio/config.yaml) to look like this:

    # scoped packages
    access: $authenticated
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated
    proxy: npmjs

    # allow all users (including non-authenticated users) to read and
    # publish all packages
    # you can specify usernames/groupnames (depending on your auth plugin)
    # and three keywords: "$all", "$anonymous", "$authenticated"
    access: $authenticated

    # allow all known users to publish/publish packages
    # (anyone can register by default, remember?)
    publish: $authenticated
    unpublish: $authenticated

    # if package is not available locally, proxy requests to 'npmjs' registry
    proxy: npmjs


node_modules/.bin/forever start node_modules/.bin/verdaccio

To check that the process is running:

$ node_modules/.bin/forever list
(node:1045) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:1045) Warning: Accessing non-existent property 'padLevels' of module exports inside circular dependency
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command                                                           script                      forever pid  id logfile                         uptime                    
data:    [0] UED0 /gnu/store/y3dzvg3y7d2g7gz72pm7fcpyiwphzj2n-node-14.19.3/bin/node node_modules/.bin/verdaccio 890     1012    /home/panther/.forever/UED0.log 0:0:56:15.570999999999913

Configure Clients

Configure your clients to use your new registry:

To login:

npm adduser --registry
Username: username1
Email: (this IS public)
Logged in as username1 on

To set as default:

npm set registry

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